Saluteremo Paolo martedì 5 marzo alle ore 14:00 nella Aala del Commiato del cimitero di Trento.
Paolo’s spirit will forever remain in all of our lives. His zest for life, profound knowledge and ability to genuinely connect with a diverse array of people made his life mosaic a true masterpiece. We are so honored to have been a part of his life- to know and enjoy time with him was a gift from above. Our hearts are with Maria T and all the family as we honor his robust life with all of its heartfelt love and accomplishments.
Lorraine, Niraj, Anya & Dilan PatelAddolorati abbiamo appreso della scomparsa del caro Paolo che ricorderemo sempre con tanto affetto e simpatia. Sentite condoglianze Paolo e Grazia Gabbana
Paolo Gabbana